his birth...and even then it would be erratic. Kyle was born with brain damage
due to lack of oxygen and a brain injury
caused when he was slammed into my pelvic
bone. I couldn't stop bleeding either
because my uterus wouldn't clamp down, so the
doctor had to inject several different
medicines to get my uterus to respond and
The doctor made snide remarks like, "If
you had had your first baby natural, this
wouldn't be happening." and
another one, which made me decide to press a
lawsuit without even knowing what one was,
"If you ever get pregnant in the state
of Indiana, I'd rather not sit with
you." Of course he always made
comments like these when no one was around to
hear them but him and me...so it was all hearsay. After the last comment, I
said, "Oh, my God...I think you just
fucked up (pardon my language)...but that's
how I felt." Of course I said this
to myself because I didn't want this doctor to have
anything he could use against me if we did go
into a court procedure.
Kyle would stay at Community Hospital for 24
hours before they transferred him to Riley
Children's Hospital. My sister-in-law,
who was on maternity leave at the time,
worked as a neo-natal nurse at this hospital
and I had asked if she wouldn't mind coming
to check my baby out. She did, and with
my mother there, she told her that she didn't
think Kyle would live 24 hours in the
condition he was in. (She never spoke
this to Matt and me, until 6 months after
Kyle's death). That's why the hospital where I had him
kept him there, because they were hoping Kyle
would die and not have to transfer him.
Well...Kyle survived and he went on to the
children's hospital. When I was finally
able to go there myself which I had to find
all the strength I could muster to walk again
(I couldn't walk, but I had to get out of
that hospital..so Matt came and carried me
from the wheel chair to the car), they had a
wheel chair ready for me when I
arrived. Matt had to carry me yet again
from the door to another wheel chair so I
could go see my big, bautiful baby boy.
He had regained his color but he was sooo
swollen all over that you couldn't find his
eyes. Kyle weighed 8 lbs and 8 1/2
ounces and was 22 1/2 inches long with a head
circumference of 15 1/2 inches (normal head
sizes range from 12 - 13 inches). I
never once said, "Why me God?"
Because I knew with the strong faith I had
that it wasn't God's fault this
happened. It was human error.
Kyle had been in the hospital all but 17 days
of the 4 months he survived (I say survived,
because he never really did live). On
top of the brain damage, he had gone through
two bouts of meningitis and one bout of
pneumonia before dying at home where he felt
the most comfortable. He died two days
after the last hospital stay when the doctors
said it was better he be at home than there
and that there was nothing more they could
do. Riley hospital gave us a letter
stating that if Kyle were to die at home,
that it wouldn't be due to any defective organs,
but that with his extensive brain damage his
brain would start shrinking and stop growing
and his heart would give out. Months before he passed away, you could see the skull
platelets through his skin. He never
sucked or swallowed, he never completely
regulated his temperature, he had to be fed
through a feeding tube....but he never had to
stay on a respirator or oxygen tank.
His fight to live was sooo intense that it
gave me a pronound feeling of survival
myself. If he could survive all this, I, too, could survive anything.
We didn't follow
through with a lawsuit until December 5, 1989
because at that time my sister was also going
to this doctor and I wanted to wait until her
baby was ok...which it was, but again, the
doctor did not deliver it because he was at
home. She delivered it without him and
a nurse was there to catch it...geesh.
Well...we went through 6 years of ups and
downs with the lawsuit before it came to settlement time. Meanwhile, 6
months after Kyle died, we decided to try
once more. After 2 years of trying and
three male doctors telling us we couldn't
have anymore, without doing any testing mind you, we
decided to seek a woman ob/gyn. She did
5 months of tests and when nothing seemed to
work on our own, she asked us if we wanted to
go on fertility drugs. We both
responded with a "NO", we only want
one more baby, not 6. So we went home
and just came to the conclusion that we
weren't going to have another child, but
three weeks after that visit, Leslie came to
me to give me her usual mornin hug and I
practically through her across the room
(well, not really, but I felt as if I could easily do that), because my breasts hurt so
bad. Three weeks prior to that, we'd told her
that she was going to be an only child after all and
her response was, "I know Mommy. I
gave up on you and Daddy a long time
ago." hehehe.
This little girl, so grown up by 6 and what
she went through along with us I feel that no
child should be put through, but she would be
and always will be the source of light that
keeps me going even today, plus my strong
faith in God." Well...Leslie and I
went to the drugstore and bought yet another
pregnancy test (the 20th one) because I had a feeling we may
very well have succeeded in creating another baby; I just wanted it
confirmed. Well...we were and it was
the easiest pregnancy and easiest delivery I
ever experienced all because of one woman
doctor's help and our faith in God. Our third child, a
son, Neil, was born May 24, 1993, a day before the
Dilly sextuplets (right down the road from the hospital we
were at)..hehehe. I'm glad they
got to have their special 6-baby day than
me..hehehe. Neil looks just like Kyle
from the curl of his ears to the bottom of
his toes...just in a smaller form. He
weighed in at 6lbs 6 oz. and 19 1/2 in. long
with a head circumferance of 14 1/2".
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Graphic set on this page was
made by Kyle's Mommy and should not be taken
without permission as it was made just for
the Memory of Kyle!